
a 21st century musical project

what is Trivalent?

Trivalent is the product of a roughly 9-year ceasefire between the long-belligerent countries of Àplace and Anötherplace. Although relations between Àplace and Anötherplace have since worsened, some of the phonograph records produced during that time have been recovered in a usable state.

no, really, what is Trivalent?

Trivalent is the latinized name for an intentionally obfuscated collection of electroacoustic artifacts produced by an intellectual secret society consisting of an unknown number of students at the Harbin Institute of Technology in Heilongjiang in 1970. Although it has been speculated that Trivalent was obfuscated for the purpose of bypassing national censors, Trivalent was nonetheless censored quite early on, and was only rediscovered recently.


Which see here.

You can follow Trivalent on bandcamp to get notified of new discoveries as they are released.